Press Start → Press Stop → Send Flight Report

Free, Easy-to-use ACARS

MFS2020, X-Plane, P3D, FSX, FS9

Your pilots deserve the best

Full-featured flight reporting software for virtual airlines

FSACARS automates flight reporting and tracks flights using a simple, easy-to-use client that accurately records dozens of different flight parameters, and sends the data to your server. You and your team can manage this data however you like. I started development of fsAcars more than 20 years ago for my own use, and for others. Since then, tens of thousands of flights have been successfully logged.

More than 70 data points, including landing performance (VS, touchdown speed, landing distance), takeoff and landing weather: VFR, MVFR, IFR, LIFR; realism auditing - pause, slew, overspeed, crash, refuel, and many more.

Logbook of Demo Flights

Live flight tracking, minute-by-minute position reporting with telemetry for location, speed, altitude, and more.


Try a flight on us!

By default, fsacars is pre-configured for you to evaluate it on our server.
Afterward feel free to configure fsacars for your own server.

Enter your email address, and the code (TYU)


1. Verify you have FSUIPC or FSUIPC 7 (MFS2020), or XPUIPC (X-Plane 11)
2. Verify you have .NET 4.5 or later
3. Some users report the need to Run as Administrator: fsacars.exe and fsacarsUpdater.exe
4. Antivirus softare may need to be temporarily disabled, and/or set to ignore fsacars
5. Web blocking software (eg., Trend Micro) users must add the domain to their exception list.
6. Currently not compatible with Mac or Linux

Example of default flight tracking using mapbox

Custom ACARS

Branded with your logo, a customized acars makes you look like a pro.
Plus you get comprehensive aviation-related economic and financial metrics.
And we will highlight your VA in our showcase

One-time fee: $75
Contact garen (at) fsacars (dot) com to get started.

Showcase your VA here

Recent Updates

January 29, 2021
In 2020 development of a new major release candidate started. Development continues in 2021 with a planned release sometime in the first quarter. Version 3 includes a new interface, many new features and improvements - things that you will love!
August 27, 2020 Confirmed full functionality with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 using FSUIPC 7
June 10, 2020 (v 2.996) 1. Moved posrep connection error messages to acars
2. Reset position reporting interval
June 8, 2020 (v 2.995) 1. Fixed a bug in 2.992+ that was incorrectly reporting the vertical landing rate.
2. Added new variable: landingG = gravitational force at landing
3. Deprecated landingFPS to landingFPM (ref v2.9)
June 6, 2020 (v 2.994) Updated SSL/TLS secure channel protocol
June 5, 2020 (v 2.993) Improved network interaction
Improved vertical landing speed (fixed bounced landings)
URL encoding of password supports non-alphanumerics
May 19, 2020 (v 2.991) New Updater! update.exe replaces fsacarsUpdater.exe for better update experience!
Added new variable: refuel_total = total amount of additional fuel detected (pounds)
Added new variable: verf = MD5 hash of pirep string up to but not including "&verf=..."
Modified treatment of aircraft change prior to takeoff (was a terminal error)
Added ability to clean up multiple instances.
JULY 14, 2019
(v 2.98)
1. Added support for optional background image (background.jpg)
2. Added support for special characters in passwords. Use PHP's urldecode() to parse these.
3. Flightsim version identification updated (fsVersion)
4. Fixed vertical landing speed = 0
5. Added new variable: multifpm = a semi-colon separated list of vertical landing speed(s).
6. Added new variable: land_truehdg = true heading on landing
Dec 14 (v 2.97) 1. On Top window behavior disabled
2. Start button tab stop set to 1
AUGUST 31 (v 2.96) 1. Removed extraneous FSUIPC polling (XP11 - fixes flashing at top of screen)
2. Dynamic refueling detection (flag set if enroute fuel increase >1% FOB)
3. Added diagnostics to sessionlog.txt after detection of enroute refueling.
JUNE 17 (v 2.95) Improved cloud base detection.
MAY 21 (v 2.94) 1. Coordinates of crash (in sessionlog.txt only).
2. New pirep variables:
takeoffflaps: takeoff flap setting (0=no flaps)
landingflaps: landing flap setting (0=no flaps)
omaxtaxi: maximum taki speed prior to takeoff
dmaxtaxi: maximum taxi speed after landing
takeoffKTS: airspeed at takeoff

3. Refined day/night algorithm - now uses solar elevation based on flightsim time.
MAY 1 (v 2.93) 1. New pirep variable: hwavg = average enroute headwind (-tailwind).
2. Multiple instance detection and prompting.
3. Improved landing performance algorithm
4. Acars reminder - displays message if acars is open but not started; activated when user is on the ground, and ground speed is more than 30 knots.
March 23 (v 2.9) 1. New pirep variables:
wdavg = wind direction average for flight; wsavg = wind speed average for flight
2. Improved accuracy of landing performance algorithm: a. sensing starts at RA100; b. absolute vsi in feet per minute; c. rollout distance is to 80 knots.
3. Added VFR weather audit (in sessionlog.txt)
4. Enabled multiple instancing.
5. Variable name change:
landingFPS is replaced by landingFPM - vertical landing speed in absolute feet per minute